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Kill Team: Octarius

10th Jul 2021

Although I've been in the hobby for over 20 years, it wasn't until a couple of years ago I actually started playing games of Warhammer with my introduction being via Kill Team. This is one of those really fun skirmish games you can dive into, learn the ropes, and try out different forces to see what you like. Tempted by Orks, just buy a handful of models, no need for an army, and dive right in. It's also handy that the games can be quite quick as well due to the (usually) fewer units on the table.

Kill Team Game 3 - Aerial Strike

16th Jan 2020

The Death Guard had overrun a war-torn Imperial city, and the Ultramarines kill team 'The Scions of Pluto' were dropping in to reclaim it. There were three objectives for the striking force, and with this Nurgle infestation it would not be enough to hold them - they would need to be burnt. Anything less than a decisive victory would be a win for the heretics. The Scions of Pluto would need to strike hard, and deployed into cover whilst the Death Guard clustered around each objective. Only Occius Oranius, sniper specialist stood alone - perched on the rooftop.

Kill Team at Warhammer World

7th Nov 2019

When I was young, I was a fan of the works of Steve Jackson and Ian Livingston - particularly their Fighting Fantasy series of adventure books. Over the years I'd collected the main fifty-odd books in the series, and had nice copies of Steve Jackson's Sourcery series as well as some others. This led me into one of their other ventures: Citadel Miniatures and Games Workshop (GWS), via an introduction to HeroQuest - a title that preceded the creation of those brands.

In the years that followed I started to paint models, and collect whatever GWS items I could get my hands on - mostly from…